Wednesday, June 22, 2016

9 Places in Indonesia that Unique and Interesting

9 Places in Indonesia that Unique and Interesting

Tourist attractions in Indonesia can not be separated from the major cities in Indonesia such as Aceh, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung and many others. Indonesia is unique and very spacious, tourism in Indonesia was not inferior to the existing travel abroad. Unfortunately, the government's role is not maximized in managing and developing all sectors of tourism in Indonesia. Therefore, only a global tourism in Indonesia as tourist attractions in Bali, Yogyakarta, Bandung and other cities.

That's because the vast territory of Indonesia for the development of the tourism sector so that takes a long time. In contrast to many tourist attractions Singapore worldwide because it is not an area widely Singapore with Indonesia.

There are a wide variety of tourist attractions in Indonesia's unique and popular. To get a unique travel does not need to go abroad, Indonesia already has a lot of variety of attractions which are interesting to visit with your family or with a partner.

Here are some unique tourist attractions and popular in Indonesia:

1. Travel in Aceh

Tourist attractions in Indonesia the first to fall in the city of Aceh. Aceh is a city called Mecca porch. Although never tsunami Aceh remains Bangit to build all sectors ravaged by the tsunami. One sector that is to be built by the government of Aceh are from the tourism sector. In Aceh a lot of unique and interesting sights.

Tourist attractions in Aceh can serve as a destination when visiting Aceh. Here is a tourist spot in Aceh unique, interesting and popular:

2. Masjid Raya Baiturrahman

baiturrahmanNah grand mosque in Aceh tourist attractions are unique and interesting is Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. The mosque is said to be unique tourist attractions and interesting because this place to witness the tsunami which hit Aceh. When the tsunami hit, many residents who took refuge at the top of this mosque. Surprisingly the mosque was not collapsed despite the terrifying tsunami that.

Since the tsunami that many people want to know what form the historic mosque nan. Not mengherakan after post-tsunami many people from different areas who come to Aceh to see this mosque.

This mosque is a mosque that are old. Baiturrahman Grand Mosque was built by Sultan berama Sultan Iskandar Muda. Construction of the mosque was done in 1612. Can you imagine how old this mosque now ?. Currently Baiturrahman Grand Mosque used as its icon Kota Aceh.

For those who want a religious tourism can visit this mosque, the entrance is free, but must remember here is that visitors should maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of the mosque. That's because a mosque is the house of god that should not be contaminated.

3. Coastal Lhoknga

 LhokngaTempat beach in Aceh tour of the famous and unique is Lhoknga beach. That's because the scenery on this beach and water beautiful beaches. Lhoknga beach water blue and turquoise become the main attraction for this beach. Aceh has some kind of attractive beaches. One of the attractive beaches in Aceh is Lhoknga Beach. This beach has a distance of approximately 20 km, if taken from the city of Banda Aceh.

Activities that can be done at this beach is relaxing on the beach, sunbathing, doing beach volleyball, playing sand beaches and many others.

Surfing can be done at this beach, it is because the waves at this beach could reach 2 meters. As the afternoon visitors can do is look at a sunset or a beautiful sunset. As the afternoon Lhoknga beach atmosphere more crowded because many visitors come to watch the sunset or sunset. The beach entrance ticket is 3 thousand for each person, the admission price can be changed on certain days, such as weekends and red dates.

4. Tsunami Museum

Aceh tsunami museum acehIkon Another Tsunami Museum. Although only artificial tourist attractions, but the Aceh Tsunami Museum Aceh used as an icon. Inu unique tourist attractions and is also popular, in fact you will not find in other cities. This tourist spot is only in Aceh alone.

Tsunami Museum is the place that aims to commemorate the tsunami that happened in Aceh. The tsunami occurred in 2004 and became a sad thing, sad and membekaskan wound in Acehnese society. The number of casualties indicates that the accident was very large and powerful.

To commemorate the victims and doing homage to the victims erected the museum. The location of this museum is on Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda and its establishment in 2009. The building of this museum there are five buildings that tsunami hallway, living memories, prayer wells, hallways chimney and the last is a bridge of hope. For admission to the museum is free and does not charge a penny.Tourism in Singapore

Besides Aceh, there are other cities in Indonesia which has unique attractions, popular and attractive. Tourist attractions that exist in the city. The following is the existing tourist attractions in Bandung you should know:

5. Kampung Gajah

One of the attractions that you can visit is Kampung Gajah. The layout of Kampung Gajah in Bandung regency exactly in the west. Precisely located in Parongpong. The village is in the form of a wonderland. Where there are rides and other tourist support facilities.
Perhaps users are confused by the name of Kampong Gajah. Kampung Gajah here is not the village that can be used to see elephants doing the attractions but the elephant village is a tourist spot of shopping, culinary and tourist attractions such as rides were interesting to visit with family and relatives.

Not only myriad of rides that could visitors get there, but visitors can enjoy a variety of kuilner no restaurant inside the elephant village. In Kampung Gajah there are a wide variety of attractions that can be enjoyed for example is sky rider, futuristric train and many others.

6. Kampoeng Maen

One of the unique and popular tourist attractions in Singapore is Kampoeng Maen. Named Kampoeng Maen because there a lot of kampoeng or village can be used as a game.

For traveled to kampoeng should be preferably in a large number of the group that traveled here because it would be more fun if done together with other family members, in addition to the existing tour packages in kampoeng maen can be done if you order it in a crowd. These tourist sites suitable as sites for kindergarten children in Bandu

Here there is a wide variety of games that can be used for children and adults. Rides his game is guaranteed safe because equipped with adequate safeguards. There is a flying fox games for children and adults, games Burma bridge, mini climbing wall, street hassle, elvis walk, to line and low course.

Everything is challenging for children and parents need not worry because there are older siblings companion who can keep an eye on your child during the game there.

7. Bogor Botanical Gardens
 botanical garden bogorTempat most interesting sights in Bogor course Bogor Botanical Garden. Bogor Botanical Gardens will not be the same by other botanical gardens because in it there flora protected by the Indonesian government. Protected flora it is carrion flowers are used as a rare flower by Indonesia. In other places we will not find the corpse flower because tumbuhnhya exist only in the Bogor Botanical Gardens alone.

Interestingly in this tourist spot is used as a center of education and observations associated with the plant. The existence of the Zoological Museum in Bogor Botanical Gardens into a tourism carrying capacity of this place.

The existence of the Zoology museum can make visitors aware of plants and herbs that were there. Indeed, the current tour should not serve as a pleasure alone, but it's good to be used as a way to increase knowledge anyway. By visiting the Garden and into the Zoological Museum visitors can see 1,500 species of plants there.

8. Higland Park Resort
 highland park resort bogorDimana again you can get unique attractions in Bogor otherwise in Highland Resort. Here visitors will see the tents that each crate lined hood regular camp.

But who would have thought if inside there are exceptional resort indanya. As far as the eye can see we will only see the white tents lined-row, visitors who come there to stay at the resort tersbeut. The resort was named Higland Resort.

Indeed, many visitors who were deceived by the outside appearance since the time of entry into the resort, visitors will get a different scene. D in the tent visitors will be surprised by the view of the resort facilities are adequate, such as bed, air conditioning, tile floors and not from the ground floor, shower, toilet and much more permanent. Stayed here can get a unique and unforgettable experience during your life.

9. Taman Bunga Nusantara

nusantaraTempat flower garden suitable for backpacker travel in Bogor is Taman Bunga Nusantara. That's because for the backpacker who after traveling in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol could stop by here on foot. The reason is because the location is close to the tourist location of Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta. Can also be said of this tourist spot is the place that is closest to the capital, Jakarta.

The backpacker will not be disappointed with views that are here because'll find greenery, the flowers are blooming with colorful and fragrant of flowers add to the beauty of this place.

Tourist attraction that is in the interest does not lie in the flower garden that was it, but on the means of carrying other tours like entertainment facilities, rides nature filled with imagination, the mini-theater, Swan Lake, a garden maze, fountains, incorporating musical form of music , rose garden and many others. The backpacker who likes selfie could make this place as a background for your photo.Tourism in Yogyakarta

Discussing the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta never ending because in Yogyakarta travel very diverse ranging from nature tourism, family travel, travel and even culinary culture and history was in Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta can be said to cover all categories of tourist attractions for instance is for the tourist attractions that are suitable for young children, a place for honeymoon travel and certainly suitable for backpackers.

Suitable for tourists backpacker's because many sites are even free nevertheless attended sites are not cheap. The beauty, uniqueness and pleasure are obtained, many people want to come back to this place. Therefore Yogya is a city that is often missed by many people.

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